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[高清古籍] 一个美国工程师在中囯

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巧媚塞 发表于 2019-3-25 20:33:04 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题

此《An American engineer in China》(一个美国工程师在中囯)是清末美国来华工程师 Wm.Barclay Parsons(柏生士)著。全书分为十一个章节,包含六十多幅插图照片,记录了作者在中国勘测粤汉铁路时的见闻记录。此英文本出版于1900年。




插图:The American Engineers in the Field

插图:Stairway Leading to Temple of Confucius, Peking
插图:Carved Stone Animals Lining the Road Leading to the Ming Tombs
插图:Four Members of the Tsung-li Yamen and Mr. Conger in the Courtyard of the Yamen(From left to right they are: Hsii Yung-i, Wang Wen-shao, Chao Shuchiao, Mr. Conger, Yii Keng)
插图:Yang-tze Kiang, between Han-yang and Wu-chang(More than one mile wide, although seven hundred miles from the mouth)
插图:A Part of the City of Victoria, on the Island of Hongkong, at the Base of the Peak

第二章:American Concession(美国特许权)
插图:The Last of Hu-nan

第三章:Hu-nan, the Closed Province of China(湖南:中国最封闭的省份)
插图:junks on the River Han, with Hankow in the Distance
插图:A Group of Natives who Have Never Before Seen a Foreigner
插图:Another Group of Natives(The men on the extreme right and left are soldiers)
插图:Coolies Waiting to be Employed as Carriers
插图:Coolie Carrying My Bedding
插图:A Yamen Runner
插图:The Procession(Two official chairs are seen. The ftags on the right indicate the position of the military commander. The foreground is a flooded ricefield)
插图:Placard Bearers who Preceded the Procession to Announce Our Coming
插图:Chinese Soldiers who Formed Our Guard
插图:A Chinese Hsien Magistrate and His Red Umbrella, Indicative of His Rank and Presence
插图:Main Courtyard ef the Governor’s Yamen at Chang-sha
插图:A Peculiar Custom by Chinese Women of Wearing Heating- Baskets
插图:The Descent from the Che-Iing Pass on the South Side
插图:Two Faithful Friends
插图:The Wall and Gateway on the Border between Hu-nan and Kiang-si
插图:A Bridge over Dry Ground, with a Coolie Climbing the Approach Steps on the Left
插图:A Kwang-tung Pawnshop and Surrounding Village
插图:Chinese Skipper Under Two Flags

第四章:My Chinese Impressions(我的中国印象)
插图:Chinese and Manchu Ladies of the Upper Class
插图:A Neglected Buddhist Temple
插图:Chinese Graves
插图:Flags were Everywhere in Profusion
插图:General Liu Kao-chao at Tiffin
第五章:Commerce and Commercial Relations( 商务和商贸关系)
插图:Wall along Yang-tze Kiang at Wu-chang, opposite Hankow
插图:Road-side Shrine in which Papers are Burned
插图:A Hu-nan Farm-house
插图:A Chinese Saw-mill
插图:A Military Officer and Two Privates

第六章: Finances of China(中国的财政状况)

第七章:Chinese Construction(中国的建筑)
插图:A Very Old Arch in Eastern Hu-nan, Previously Unexplored
插图:Ping-hsiang Bridge
插图:A Beautiful Single Span
插图:Arch near Peking
插图:A Small Bridge
插图:Wooden Cantilever Bridge at Li-ling, over the Lu Ho
插图:Pagoda near Wu-chang
插图:Chinese House Construction-a Combination of a Wooden Frame and Brick Walls
插图:The Famous Wall of the Tartar City, Peking, with One of the Gate-towers
插图:The Great Wall of China

第八章:Inland Communication(内地交通)
插图:The Siang Kiang
插图:A Freight-boat Being Poled Against the Stream
插图:A Sail That May Have Seen Better Days, but Which is by no Means a Unique Specimen
插图:A Female Skipper
插图:The Equality of Sex. A Man and a Woman at the Oar
插图:A Cantonese Slipper Boat
插图:Fast Freight by Wheelbarrow
插图:The Author Travelling in an Official Chair
插图:Boy Carrying Coal from the Mines to the River
插图:A Typical Road on Top of a Dike Between Rice-fields
插图:A Road Paved with Stone Slabs Showing the Groove Cut by Wheelbarrows

插图:The ” Rocket of China” and Mr. Kinder
插图:Khojack Tunnel on the Sind-Peshin Railway, India
插图:Japanese Passenger Train
插图:Typical Large Railway Station in Japan
插图:Typical Small Railway Station in Japan
插图:Passengers Getting on a Train in China
插图:Japanese Railway Freight Station
插图:Second-class Train on the Imperial Chinese Railway
插图:First-class Train on the Imperial Chinese Railway

第十章:The Yellow Peril(黄祸)
第十一章:China in the Twentieth Century(二十世纪的中国)


William Barclay Parsons中文名叫柏生士,1859年出生于美国,1879年在Columbia College(哥伦比亚学院)获学士学位,1882年在哥伦比亚煤矿学院(现哥大工程和应用科学学院)再获学士学位。1898年,清政府驻美公使伍廷芳与美国美华合兴公司签订《粤汉铁路借款合同》。同年,身为美华合兴公司总工程师的柏生士奉命来华测量粤汉铁路地形。本书即为柏生士在华期间见闻。


文件名:一个美国工程师在中囯.An American engineer in China.柏生士著.By William Barclay Parsons.英文.1900年出版

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